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Re: [Re: [h2o-discuss] Open Governance]

Gee whiz I thought everyone had seen Austin Powers. 

"What ICANN can do is limit,restrict, and deny access to the net. It can,
along with the other newly authorized providers of and record keepers of all
urls is a "Regulator". Now when the government jumps into define and regulate
further decides who makes the bagillions and who had an interesting

With reference to your FDR, A FIRESIDE INTERNET CHAT, has A NOBLE 
challenge for the 21st Century. However, since I studied under his son James
Roosevelt his son, unlike some who have had seances with the Roosevelts,
Politics and Money Run Together. Politicians may have different goals than
academics in the area of the Internet.

The internet is not going to change humankind. That is why the definition
phase is important and it must include a world wide acceptable  
frame of reference. Which includes language,culture and beliefs.

Thank you for the opportunity to address your point.


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