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Introducing “Open Source”

Christopher Lydon, a fellow at the Berkman Center and the Center for Economic and Civic Opinion at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, will launch his new radio program, Open Source, Monday, May 30 on Boston's WGBH and Seattle's KUOW.  Lydon has been a distinctive voice in print, television, radio, and the blogosphere for more than 30 years. Recently he distinguished himself as a pioneer audio blogger and is credited with the first pod-cast. Open Source aims to begin conversations on the Web each day and invite a worldwide audience to contribute topics, guests, and information that advances understanding of issues and ideas. Says Lydon, “My ambition, with producer Mary McGrath, is to thread the seeming chaos of the Web into a coherent skein of ideas and argument… The Internet transition we’re living through is a boundless opportunity.”

Listen today to one of Lydon’s most recent interviews with Berkman fellows Rebecca MacKinnon and Ethan Zuckerman.