User talk:Jsl

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== Tube Amps ==:

Tubes have a sound that is different from other amplifiers, sound that happens to make amplified music sound better to the human ears. There are lots of technical explanations for why this should be true, but there is enough solid evidence that it's a real effect to trust it. The one real reason to use tube amplifiers, is simple: they just sound better.

What makes single ended tube amplifiers superior? -- First, low level signal. There is no other topology that could handle low level signal in such a delicate manner as Single Ended amplifiers do. Push-Pull amplifiers simply can't do that, feedback-based amplifiers can't handle low-level signal properly as well. Even low feedback cause Push-Pull amplifiers affect the signal. -- Second, Single Ended amplifiers better keep the music. -- Third, even harmonics make sound warm and natural while keeping details and spatial information of sound source; odd harmonics are dominating in Push-Pull amplifiers. Hence Single Ended amplifiers produce the kind of sound that I call "TUBE SOUND". The last and the most important component of the amplifier is the Output Transformer. If one puts a cheap hardware in a proper and well-designed device-it will never sound as it should! Output Trans is a heart of an amplifier. ZERO NEGATIVE FEEDBACK! I want you to understand that putting together the audiophile components of the highest quality, does not give the best results if you won't have a complex attitude towards selection of these components. Remember this! One could remember hearing extremely expansive tube amplifiers with a more mechanical sound than transistor ones.

"In audio applications, valves & tubes continue to be highly desired by most professional users and stereo enthusiasts, they advocate the use of tube amplifiers for home listening and say that tube amplifiers produce a warmer and more natural valve sound." - Wikipedia

About J. Sound Lab: J. Sound Lab is a Subsidiary Company of MEG Tube Audio, based in Israel, which manufactures and makes tube valve amplifiers, headphone tube amplifiers and more... the company was founded by two brothers Edward and Michael Girshin, professionals with experience in tube sound design for over 30 years.

Buy Tube & Valve Amps