Alternative Energy/Bibliography by Resource Type

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Under this segment, we are trying to reclassify the resources we found, which are organized into a bibliography by research question, into a bibliography classified based on its type or origin. This is a work in progress, thus for a complete bibliography you should refer to Bibliography by Research Question.

Academic Articles and Papers


Abbott, F., 2009. Innovation and Technology Transfer to Address Climate Change: Lessons from the Global Debate on Intellectual Property and Public Health, Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.

Acha, V. & Cusmano, L., 2005. Governance and co-ordination of distributed innovation processes: patterns of R&D co-operation in the upstream petroleum industry. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 14(1), 1.

Anadon, L.D. et al., 2009. Tackling US Energy Challenges and Opportunities: Preliminary Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Energy Innovation in the United States, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. Available at: [Accessed April 30, 2009].

Andersen, P. & Drejer, I., 2005. Distributed innovation in integrated production systems: The case of offshore wind farms. In Denmark.

Appleyard, David, 2009. Ocean Energy Developments. Renewable Energy World. Available at: [Accessed September 25, 2009].


Barton, J., 2007. Intellectual Property and Access to Clean Energy Technologies in Developing Countries: An analysis of Solar Photovoltaic, Biofuel and Wind Technologies, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. Available at: zotero://attachment/13516/ [Accessed May 15, 2009].

Barton, J., 2008a. Mitigating Climate Change Through Technology Transfer: Addressing the needs of Developing Countries, Chatham House.

Barton, J., 2008b. Patenting and Access to Clean Energy Technologies in Developing Countries. World Intellectual Property Organization. Available at: [Accessed July 22, 2009].

BBC News, 2005. Q&A: The Kyoto Protocol. BBC News. Available at: [Accessed August 11, 2009].

Benkler, Yochai. 2003. The Political Economy of Commons, The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, Vol IV, no 3

Bosik, D., 2009. Wind Power Market: Turbine Components & Subcomponents and Demand in the US and the World, SBI. Available at: zotero://report/items/7488/html/report.html [Accessed May 8, 2009].

Bradford, T., 2006. Solar revolution, MIT Press.

Bradsher, K., 2009. China Racing Ahead of America in the Drive to Go Solar. The New York Times. Available at: [Accessed August 25, 2009].


Burgos, A., 2009. U.S. Chamber Joins IDEA Coalition to Protect IP Jobs. U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].

BusinessWire, 2009. China Vice Premier Demonstrates Support for Clean Energy at Applied Materials Solar Facility in Xi'an. Available at: [Accessed September 17, 2009].


Capello, D., 2007. Renewable Energy Investment in the US, SBI. Available at: zotero://attachment/5796/ [Accessed May 8, 2009].

Capello, D., 2008. The US Solar Energy Market in a World Perspective, SBI. Available at: zotero://attachment/13429/ [Accessed May 8, 2009].

Carberry, E. & Hancock, R., 2009. The China GreenTech Report 2009, China: The China GreenTech Initiative & Mango Strategy LLC.

Carlin, J., 2004. Renewable Energy in the United States. In Encyclopedia of Energy. New York: Elsevier, pp. 347-363. Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].

CDM, 2009. CDM: About CDM. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Available at: [Accessed August 24, 2009].

Cleanergy, 2009. Chu Announces Joint U.S.-China Building Efficiency MOU. Chu Announces Joint U.S.-China Building Efficiency MOU ~ - Energy Efficiency, CleanTech, Solar, Wind, Hydro... Available at: [Accessed September 17, 2009].

Closson, K., 2009. Intellectual Property for Sustainable Energy, Tolland, CT: Nerac.

Copenhagen Economics & The IPR Company, 2009. Are IPR a Barrier to the Transfer of Climate Change Technology, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Economics. Available at: zotero://attachment/8653/ [Accessed May 15, 2009].

Correa, C., 2009. Fostering the Development and Diffusion of Technologies for Climate Change: Lessons from the CGIAR Model, Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD).

CSEP, 2009. The China Sustainable Energy Program: Renewable Energy. The China Sustainable Energy Program. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Cust, J. et al., 2008. International Cooperation for Innovation and Use of Low-Carbon Energy Technology, Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies. Available at: [Accessed August 3, 2009].


Dechezlepretre, A. et al., 2008. Invention and Transfer of Climate Change Mitigation Technologies on a Global Scale: A Study Drawing on Patent Data, Paris: CERNA, Mines ParisTech.

de Vries, E., 2009. Wind Technology Trends: Why Small Steps Matter. Renewable Energy World. Available at: [Accessed November 2, 2009].

DLC, 2009. The Digital Library of the Commons. The Digital Library of Commons. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

DOE, 2009a. Chu Announces Joint U.S.-China Building Efficiency MOU. U.S. Department of Energy. Available at: [Accessed July 26, 2009].

DOE, 2009b. US-China Clean Energy Research Center Announced. Department of Energy. Available at: [Accessed July 27, 2009].


Edmonds, J. et al., 2007. Global Energy Technology Strategy: Addressing Climate Change., Washington D.C.

Efiong, A. & Crispin, A., 2007. Renewable Energy: Wind Turbine Manufacturers; here comes pricing power. Industry overview, Merrill Lynch. Available at: zotero://attachment/5861/ [Accessed April 4, 2009].

EFRC, 2009. Energy Frontier Research Centers. US Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences. Available at: [Accessed October 19, 2009].

EPRI, 2007. Renewables - A promising coalition of many. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Journal, Summer 2007, 6-15.

Equity Groups, 2009. Renewable Energy, News, Social Network. Equity Group: Rate Stocks, Get Respect, Make Friends, Learn from the Best. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].


Facebook, 2009. Americans for Alternative Energy - Global Group. Facebook. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Friedman, T.L., 2009. Have a Nice Day. The New York Times. Available at: [Accessed September 17, 2009].


Gallagher, K.S., Holdren, J.P. & Sagar, ­.A.D., 2006. Energy-Technology Innovation. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 31. Available at: [Accessed May 14, 2009].

Garcia, S. & Tibbets, S., 2009. Stimulus act, cleantech, and IP: Reaping benefits without giving away the farm. Cleantech Group, LLC. Available at: [Accessed August 10, 2009].

Garthwaite, J., 2009a. The Clean Energy Revolution Must Be Collaborative. Business Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].

Garthwaite, J., 2009b. The Next Climate Deal: How Big is the Battle for Cleantech IP? Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009]. Garthwaite, J., 2009a. Chu: For Green Building Design, We Need to Go Open Source. Available at: [Accessed July 26, 2009].

Garthwaite, J., 2009b. U.S. & China Team Up on Cleantech Research: Bane or Boon for IP? Reuters. Available at: [Accessed July 21, 2009].

Gerhardsen, T.I.S., 2009. Technology Transfer Will be Part of the Copenhagen Climate Deal. Intellectual Property Watch.

Guerin, E. & Wemaere, M., 2009. The Copenhagen Accord: What happened? Is it a good deal? Who wins and who loses? What is next? Institut Du Development Durable et des Relations Internationales, (08/09).

Google, 2009a. Google Energy Information News and Updates - Google's Energy Information Group. Google Groups. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Google, 2009b. Google PowerMeter. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Granqvist, C.G., 2004. Materials for Solar Energy. In Encyclopedia of Energy. New York: Elsevier, pp. 845-858. Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].

Green Patent Blog, 2009. New Alliance’s Big IDEA: Strong IP is Essential for Green Innovation. Green Patent Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].


Hamrin, J., Wiser, R.H. & Baruch, S., 2008. Designing a Renewables Portfolio Standard: Principles, Design Options, and Implications for China, San Francisco: Center for Resource Solutions. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Harhoff, D. et al., 2007. Inventors and invention processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU survey. Research Policy, 36(8), 1107-1127.

Harvard KSG, 2009. Options for Reforming the Clean Development Mechanism, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kenedy School. Available at:

Hegedus, A.L.A.S. & Antonio Luque and Steven Hegedus, 2003. Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, John Wiley and Sons. Available at: %22watts peak%22 definition&sig=DCn_ieGxE81wn1kBMtowVsnrEPQ [Accessed September 1, 2009].

Helft, M., 2008. Google’s Energy Ideas Might Emerge Under Open Source Licenses — Or Not. The New York Times: Green, Inc. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Herzog, A.V. & Kammen, D.M., 2002. Energy R&D: investment challenge. Materials Today, 5(5), 28-33. Hirschmann, D., 2009. Technology Essential For Green Jobs & Planet. Intellectual Property Watch. Available at: [Accessed July 27, 2009].

Hohler, A., 2008. Q-Cells: PV at the sharp end. Renewable Energy Focus, 9(3), 56, 58, 60.

Holbrooke, R. & Desai, V., 2009. A Roadmap for U.S. - China Cooperation on Energy and Climate Change, Asia Society & The Pew Center for Global Climate Change. Available at: [Accessed May 14, 2009].


ICTSD, 2008. Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights, Copenhagen: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.

IEA, 2009. International Energy Agency - Data Services. Available at: [Accessed May 18, 2009].

IEA, 2001. Technology without Borders: Case Studies of Successful Technology Transfer, International Energy Agency, UNEP, Climate Technology Initiative. Available at: [Accessed July 22, 2009].

IRENA, 2009. Preparatory Commission for International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Available at: [Accessed August 11, 2009].


Jacobsson, S. & Lauber, V., 2006. The politics and policy of energy system transformation--explaining the German diffusion of renewable energy technology. Energy Policy, 34(3), 256-276.

Jannuzzi, G.D.M., 2005. Power sector reforms in Brazil and its impact on energy efficiency and research and development activities. Energy Policy, 33, 1753 - 1762.

Jensen, N.E.H. et al., 2009. Energy 09: Research, Development and Demonstration, Denmark: Danish Energy Association. Available at:

Johnson, D.K.N. & Lybecker, K.M., 2009. Challenges to Technology Transfer: A Literature Review of the Constraints on Environmental Technology Dissemination. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: [Accessed September 24, 2009].

Junseng, L., 2004. Renewable Energy Policy in China: Financial Incentives, Colorado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].


Khor, M., 2009. The Rise of 'Climate Protectionism'. South Centre Bulletin, (40). Available at: [Accessed September 17, 2009].

Klein, S., 2008. An open source IEC-61850 Toolkit for utility automation and wind power applications. In Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2008. T&D. IEEE/PES. pp. 1-4.

Kofoed-Wiuff, A., Sandholt, K. & Marcus-Moller, C., 2006. Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (RETD) - Barriers Challenges and Opportunities: A synthesis of various studies on barriers, challenges and opportunities for renewable energy deployment, Energianalyse. Available at: [Accessed June 10, 2009].


Lako, P., 2008. Mapping Climate Mitigation Technologies and Associated Goods Within the Renewable Energy Supply Sector, The Netherlands: Energy Research Center of the Netherlands, Internationa Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD).

La Monica, M., 2008a. Eco-Patent Commons shares earth-friendly tech. CNET News. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

La Monica, M., 2008b. IBM co-founds green patent pool. ZDNet UK. Available at:,1000000091,39292114,00.htm [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Laird, F.N. & Stefes, C., 2009. The diverging paths of German and United States policies for renewable energy: Sources of difference. Energy Policy, 37(7), 2619-2629.

Larsen, R. & Kirk, M., 2009. Foriegn Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 -- (House of Representatives - June10, 2009), Larsen-Kirk Amendment, Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].

Lee, B., Iliev, I. & Preston, F., 2009. Who Owns Our Low Carbon Future? Intellectual Property and Energy Technologies, Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs).

Lemonis, G., 2004. Wave and Tidal Energy Conversion. In Encyclopedia of Energy. New York: Elsevier, pp. 385-396. Available at: [Accessed May 7, 2009].

Lester, R., 2008. REFORMING THE U.S. ENERGY INNOVATION SYSTEM, Industrial Performance Center MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lewis, J.I. & Wiser, R.H., 2007. Fostering a renewable energy technology industry: An international comparison of wind industry policy support mechanisms. Energy Policy, 35(3), 1844-1857.


Ma, H. et al., A survey of China's renewable energy economy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, In Press, Corrected Proof. Available at: [Accessed August 28, 2009].

Make, 2009. Make: Online : Alternative energy gift guide - Solar, wind, fuel cell, biodiesel and more... Make: technology on your time. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Mara, K., 2009. Are Patent Exceptions Necessary For Climate Change Technology? Defining WIPO’s Role. Intellectual Property Watch. Available at: [Accessed July 27, 2009].

Mara, K., 2009. Speakers Discuss Technology Transfer For Climate Change; Within Academic Settings. Intellectual Property Watch. Available at: [Accessed September 17, 2009].

March, E., 2009. Climate Change - The Technology Challenge. WIPO Magazine, 2/2009. Available at: [Accessed September 17, 2009].

Margolis, R. & Kammen, D.M., 1999. Evidence of under-investment in energy R&D in the United States and the impact of Federal Policy. Energy Policy, 27, 575-584.

Markey, E., 2009. Introduction of a Resolution Concerning the Membership of the United States in the International Renewable Energy Agency. Available at: [Accessed May 13, 2009].

Martinot, E., 2009. Renewable Energy in China. Renewable Energy Information on Markets, Policy, Investment, and Future Pathways. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Martinot, E., Wiser, R. & Hamrin, J., 2005. Renewable Energy Policies and Markets in the United States, San Francisco: Center for Resource Solutions.


Narayanamurti, V., Anadon, L.D. & Sagar, A.D., 2009. Institutions for Energy innovation: A Transformational Challenge, Cambridge, MA: Report from the Science, Technology and Public Policy Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School.

Nelson, B., 2009. Spain Leads the World in New Solar Energy Development : EcoWorldly. Eco Worldly. Available at: [Accessed April 24, 2009].

Nemet, G., 2006. Demand-pull energy technology policies, diffusion, and improvements in California wind power, Berkeley, CA: Energy and Resources Group, U.C. Berkeley.

Newell, R.G., 2008. A U.S. Innovation Strategy for Climate Change Mitigation, The Brookings Institution.

Norberg-Bohm, V., 2000. Creating Incentives for Environmentally Enhancing Technological Change: Lessons From 30 Years of U.S. Energy Technology Policy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 65(2), 125-148.

NREL, 2009. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology Development in China. The National Renewable energy Laboratory - International Programs. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].


Ogden, P., Podesta, J. & Deutch, J., 2008. A New Strategy to Spur Energy Innovation. Issues in Science and Technology, (Winter 2008).

OSEN, 2009. Alternative Energy Network: Latest from Alternative Energy News. Alternative Energy Network by OSEN. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].


Pacala, S. & Socolow, R., 2004. Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies. Science, 305(5686), 968-972.

Pasqualetti, M.J., Righter, R. & Gipe, P., 2004. Wind Energy, History of. In Encyclopedia of Energy. New York: Elsevier, pp. 419-433. Available at: [Accessed September 1, 2009].

Perez, C., 2009. Ocean Energy Technologies and Components Worldwide, Maryland: SBI. Perlin, J., 2004. Solar Energy, History of. In Encyclopedia of Energy. New York: Elsevier, pp. 607-622. Available at: [Accessed April 8, 2009].

PESWiki, 2009. Pure Energy Systems - Affordable DIY Solar and Wind. PESWiki: Pure Energy System Wiki. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

PEW, 2009. Global Anthropogenic GHG Emissions by Gas | Pew Center on Global Climate Change: The Pew Center on Global Climate Change. Pew Center on Global Climate Change. Available at: [Accessed September 1, 2009].

Philibert, C., 2004. International Energy Technology Collaboration and Climate Change Mitigation - Case Study 1: Concentrating Solar Power Technologies, OECD Environment Directorate & International Energy Agency.

Popp, D., 2009. A Perspective on Technology Transfers as a Response to Climate Change, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Consensus on Climate.

Popp, D., 2005. Lessons from patents: Using patents to measure technological change in environmental models. Ecological Economics, 54(2-3), 209-226.



Randal, A., 2007. Open Source Alternative Energy. O'Reilly Radar. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Reichman, J. et al., 2008. Intellectual Property and Alternatives: Strategies for Green Innovation, London, UK: Chatham House.

REN21, 2009. Renewables Global Status Report 2009 Update, Paris: REN21 Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century. Available at: [Accessed August 27, 2009].

RERL, 2009. Wind Power: Capacity Factor, Intermittency, and what happens when the wind doesn't blow?, Renewable Energy Research Laboratory, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Revkin, A. & Galbraith, K., 2009. Energy Chief Seeks Global Flow of Ideas. Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].

Righter, R.W., 1996. Wind energy in America, University of Oklahoma Press.


Schell, O., 2009. Forging a China-US energy alliance. McKinsey & Company: What Matters. Available at: [Accessed August 26, 2009].

Schell, O. et al., 2009. Common Challenge, Collaborative Response: A Roadmap for U.S.-China Cooperation on energy and Climate Change, Pew Center on Global Climate Change & Asia Society Center on U.S. - China Relations. Available at:

SciDev, 2009. Cooperation not compulsion on clean technology transfer - SciDev.Net. Available at: [Accessed September 3, 2009]. SEFI, 2009. Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2009, United Nations Environmental Program. Available at: [Accessed August 24, 2009].

SEFIa, 2009. The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Renewable Energy Finance, United Nations Environmental Program. Available at: [Accessed August 26, 2009].

SEIA, 2008. US Solar Industry Year in Review 2008, Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Available at: [Accessed April 1, 2009].

Sovacool, B., 2008. The problem with the "portfolio approach" in American energy policy. Springer Science and Business Media, Policy Sci 41, 245-261.

Sørensen, B., 1991. A history of renewable energy technology. Energy Policy, 19(1), 8-12.

South Centre, 2010. Comments on the Copenhagen Accord: Summary. Available at:

Steele, O., 2009. Owning the Wind: The IP Controversy Surrounding Next Generation Wind Turbines. Cleantech Law and Business, 2(Summer 2009), 155 - 159.

Sterling, B., 2009. The Smart Planet eco-patent commons and the Smart Growth Manifesto | Beyond The Beyond. Wired. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].


Teja Jr., J. & Pomianek, M., 2008. Energy, Cleantech and Intellectual Property: Managing Technology Convergence and Protecting Innovation, Wolf Greenfield. Available at: [Accessed May 11, 2009].

Tsoutsos, T.D. & Stamboulis, Y.A., 2005. The sustainable diffusion of renewable energy technologies as an example of an innovation-focused policy. Technovation, 25(7), 753-761.

TWN, Some Key Points on Climate Change, Access to Technology and Intellectual Property Rights. In Penang, Malaysia: TWN. Available at: [Accessed September 3, 2009].


UNEP, 2009. Global Green New Deal: An Update for the G20 Pittsburgh Summit, Pittsburgh: United Nations Environmental Program.

UNFCCC, 2009. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Available at: [Accessed August 11, 2009].

UPenn, 2009. OPEN LEARNING COMMONS | Global Environmental Sustainability Collaborative. Penn LPS: College of Liberal and Professional Arts. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

US DoE, 2009. Energy Citations Database (ECD). Energy Citations Database from the US Department of Energy. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

US DoS, 2009. Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. U.S. Department of State - Diplomacy in Action. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009]. Vidican-Sgouridis, G., Woon, W.L. & Madnick, S., 2009. Measuring Innovation Using Bibliometric Techniques: The Case of Solar Photovoltaic Industry. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: [Accessed October 5, 2009].


Vranes, E., Climate Change and the WTO: EU Emission Trading and the WTO Disciplines on Trade in Goods, Services and Investment Protection,


Walz, R., Ragwitz, M. & Schleich, J., 2008. Regulation and Innovation: the case of renewable energy technologies, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research.

Watanabe, C., Tsuji, Y.S. & Griffy-Brown, C., 2001. Patent statistics: deciphering a [`]real' versus a [`]pseudo' proxy of innovation. Technovation, 21(12), 783-790.

Watanabe, C., Wakabayashi, K. & Miyazawa, T., 2000. Industrial dynamism and the creation of a "virtuous cycle" between R&D, market growth and price reduction: The case of photovoltaic power generation (PV) development in Japan. Technovation, 20(6), 299-312.

WBCSD, 2009. Eco-Patent Commons. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Weisbrot, M., 2009. Green technology should be shared. Available at: [Accessed July 17, 2009].

Wiener, J., 2005. Sharing Potential and the Potential for Sharing: Open Source Licensing as a Legal and Economic Modality for the Dissemination of Renewable Energy Technology, Boston: Suffolk University Law School. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

Wiki Solar One, 2009. Nevada Solar One - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia - The Free Encylopedia. Available at: [Accessed September 17, 2009].

Wikipedia, 2009. Energy policy of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia - The Free Encylopedia. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

WILSON, I., 2007. Rubber compositions with non-petroleum oils. Available at:

WIPO, 2008. Climate Change -The Technology Challenge. World Intellectual Property Organization. Available at: [Accessed July 22, 2009].

WIPO, 2009, Patent-Based Technology Analysis Report - Alternative Energy Technology, Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization. Available at:

Wiser, R.H. & Barbose, G., 2008. Renewables Portfolio Standards in the United States: A Status Report with Data Through 2007, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Available at: [Accessed April 30, 2009].

World Bank, 2009a. China - In Search of Clean Energy to Meet China's Needs. The World Bank. Available at:,,contentMDK:21589744~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:318950,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].

World Bank, 2009b. China - Solar Systems for 400,000 Rural Households in China. The World Bank: Renewable Energy Development Project (1999 - 2007). Available at:,,contentMDK:21630705~menuPK:3949495~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:318950,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].

World Bank, 2009c. China - Toward a Greener China. The World Bank: China. Available at:,,contentMDK:21644195~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:318950,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].

World Bank, 2009d. News & Broadcast - World Bank, GEF-Backed Energy Efficiency Program Expands in China. The World Bank: News & Broadcast. Available at:,,contentMDK:21610830~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:4607,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].


WWEA, 2009. World Wind Energy Report: 2008, World Wind Energy Association. Available at:


Yang, Z., 2009. An Analysis of Technology Transfers as a Response to Climate Change, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Consensus on Climate.


Blogs & Social Media


  • Alternative Energy Blog [1]
  • Clean Energy Patent Growth Index [2]
  • Cleantech Blog [3]
  • Green Patent Blog [4]
  • Green Trust [5]
  • Stanford Law School: Environmental & Energy Insights [6]
  • The Energy Blog [7]
  • The Financial Times/energy source [8]



  • Alternative Energy News [9]
  • Cleantech Group, LLC [10]
  • Climate Ark [11]
  • Climate Change News [12]
  • Climate-L [13]
  • Global [14]
  • Green Tech Media [15]
  • [16]
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) [17]
  • New York Times DotEarth [18]
  • Renewable Energy Policy Network for the Twenty-first Century (REN21) [19]
  • Renewable Energy World [20]
  • Solar Buzz [21]
  • Tree Hugger [22]
  • Wind Works [23]
  • World Changing [24]

Business Association' Publications

  • 2degress [25]
  • American Solar Energy Society [26]
  • American Wind Energy Association [27]
  • Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs [28]
  • California Energy Commission [29]
  • Chatham House [30]
  • Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) [31]
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA) [32]
  • European Ocean Energy Association [33]
  • European Wind Energy Association [34]
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [35]
  • International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) [36]
  • International Energy Agency (IEA) [37]
  • IEA Wind [38]
  • International Renewable Energy Association [39]
  • International Solar Energy Society [40]
  • Lawrence Berkeley Lab [41]
  • Ocean Energy Council [42]
  • Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition [43]
  • Solar Energy Industries Association [44]
  • Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative [45]
  • United Nations Environment Programme [46]
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [47]
  • US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy [48]
  • US Environmental Protection Agency [49]
  • World Future Council [50]
  • World Wind Energy Association [51]
  • Worldwatch Institute [52]

Declarations and Manifestos

Governmental Resources and Reports

Market Reports

Newspapers and Opinions


  • Technological Forecasting and Social Change: An International Journal [53]
  • Energy Economics [54]

Databases and Statistics and Patents


Possible candidates for interviews:

  • Thomas Ackermann - Talked by phone 5/8/09 1:30 pm
    • He had a good historic look at the wind industry. He has been part of the wind energy for 20 years. He is willing to answer any specific question we may have.
  • Kathy Araujo - Emailed and she is busy until late May. Contact her then.
  • Michael Dworkin - Phone conversation on 4/29/2009 - 4 pm
    • He recommended contacting:
      • Norma Formanek - General Counsel of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
      • Glenn Berger - Head of VC for Skadden Arps (Law firm)
      • Dan Reicher - Google
      • Sue Tierney - Former Asst. Secretary of Policy for DOE
    • He knew some of the information we are looking for, but not a lot, but did ask that he be included on the future drafts of the research we are doing. We should also site him if we use the interview in any work, and send him a copy of the information for review.
  • Katherine Dykes - Emailed her and she is busy until late May/early June. Contact her then.