Seminar Series

Past Events

Previous eDevelopment Seminars

Spring 2002

May 23, Michel S. Laguerre, Berkeley/MIT, "The Virtual City Hall: The Governance of Local e-Government."

May 16, Chris Blattman, Harvard University, "The Promise and Pitfalls of Rural Telecenters: Reflections on an ICT Project in India."

May 9, John Gage, Sun Microsystems, "Some Thoughts on How ICTs could really Change the World."

May 2, Karen Eggleston, Tufts University, "ICTs, Markets and Economic Development."

April 25, Mitchel Resnick, MIT Media Lab, "Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age."

April 17, Roye Colle and Raul Roman, Cornell University, "Using Telecenters for Social and Economic Development: Can we make it happen?"

April 15, Mr. Cahyana Ahmadjayadi, Indonesian Deputy Minister of Information Technology, "Security and Internet Diffusion in the Developing World."

April 12, Syamsul Muarif, Indonesian Minister of Information Technology, "How IT Creates Investor Opportunity for the Poor: The Indonesian Model."

April 9, Catherine Mann, Institute for International Economics, "Electronic Commerce: Network Readiness and Trade Competitiveness"

April 4, Navi Radjou and Eroica Howard, Forrester Research, "The X Internet: Leveling the Playing Field for Businesses in Developing Nations."

March 26, Friedrich Von Kirchbach, International Trade Center, "Patterns and Trends in International Trade of ICT Products"

March 21, Raj Kumar and Lawrence Groo, DevelopmentEx, "Improving the Process of Development - How IT can make development projects more effective"

March 14, Luis Enriques, McKinsey & Company, Inc. "Unlocking the Value of the Telcommunications Sector through Sector Reform"

February 21, Michael Gurstein, Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, "If the Digital Divide is the Question, is Community Networking the answer?"

February 19, Shafika Isaacs, Executive Director, SchoolNet Africa "Identifying Local Champions and Creating Appropriate Content: The Emergence of SchoolNet Africa."

Fall 2001

November 1, Dr. Janice Brodman, Director, Center for Innovative Technologies, Education Development Center, Newton, MA, "Empowering Women through ICTs in Low-Income Countries."

October 18, Iqbal Z. Quadir, Co-Founder, Grameen Phone, "Grameen Phone: Promoting Rural Connectivity in Bangladesh."

October 4, Craig Smith, Visiting Fellow, Center for International Development, "Financial Solutions to the Digital Divide"

September 20, Aditya Dev Sood, Founder and Director, Center for Knowledge Societies, Banglaore, India, "e-Research for e-Development: Incubating Digital Development in South Asia"

Summer 2001

July 18, Dr. Jonathan Miller, President, Miller Esselaar & Associates, "Contrasting ICT Policies and Strategies in South Africa, Namibia, and Rwanda"

Spring 2001

May 17, Mavis Ampah, The African Connection Secretariat "The African Connection: ICT Development in Africa"

May 2, Jeff Conklin, Ozro Inc. "Global B2B E-Commerce Adoption: The Business Perspective"

April 26, Timothy Andersen, World Computer Exchange "Computer Recycling: North - South Cooperation"

April 19, Ethan Zuckerman, Geekcorps "Partnerships in ICTs and Development: The Geekcorps Experience"

April 4, Catherine Mann, Institute for International Economics " Achieving the Benefits of Global Internet Connectivity and E-Commerce"

February 15, Kaleil D. Isaza Tuzman, Govworks " E-Government: Challenges for Developing Nations"

February 1, Nancy Hafkin, Former Coordinator of African Information Society Initiative "The African Information Society Initiative (AISI): where is Africa five years later?

Fall 2000

December 7, Holly Ladd, Leela McCullough and Rebecca Riccio, Satellife "Lessons Learned from Healthnet: Integrating Technology, Content and Training"

November 30, Gabriel Accascina, UNDP "The Policy Dimension of the Digital Divide: Challenges for International Internet Governance"

November 16, Raj Malhotra, Spryance "Web-based Outsourcing in a Developing Country Context"

November 2, Filippo Nardin, Angola Educational Assistance Fund "Enhancing Educational Goals through ICTs: Internet Connectivity and the Path Toward a Computer Engineering Department at the Catholic University of Angola"

October 26, David Morrison, Netaid Foundation "Doing Development Differently: Using the Internet to Fight Poverty"

Spring 2000

May 4, Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Law School students with Geoffrey Kirkman, Center for International Development as moderator. "The Internet and Human Rights: Discussion and Findings from a European Conference"

April 25, Francis Wilson, University of Cape Town, School of Economics "Information Revolution and the Social Sciences: Reflections from Southern Africa"

March 15, Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai "Telecom and Internet in Developing Countries: Bottlenecks and Solutions"

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