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I'm a 3L. No special knowledge of computers or programming, but think the subject of the course is interesting and relevant. I hope it will make me have more to share at cocktail parties. I didn't know what to write, so I had a fellow 3L come up with a bio of what HE thinks is true about me...

Jenny Tzakas was raised in the Canadian wilderness by a pack of wolves. Her true parentage is unknown but the wind of the North Woods blows in her soul. She is a child of nature, a creature of the dark. One day, a French-Canadian lumberjack, Jean-Louis Lacroix, found her running with the pack and took her back to his logging camp. He fed her flapjacks, moose jerky, and brandy for a year before she was eventually adopted by a nice Greek immigrant family in Long Island. Through a combination of love, kindness, and a steady stream of baklava, Jenny was finally tamed. Her biggest achievements in life are learning how to wear clothes and to speak human. Although Jenny's real age is unknown, she is approximately 24-27 years old.

On the weekends, Jenny lets her inner wolf run wild. She enjoys going to hardcore punk shows throughout the Tri-State area where she is widely acknowledged to be the Master of the CIRCLE PIT!!! YEAH!!!

Although Jenny is able to stay fairly contained while at school, you all should thank your lucky stars she has learned to keep from jumping up on the table, howling at the ceiling, and taking a chunk out of your neck with her oversized canines.