ONI Tester

From Berkman Summer of Code 2010
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The Berkman Center's Open Network Initiative does testing to determine the openness of the internet with respect to filtering. These tests have historically been done on the ground in the country where the filtering is suspected of being done with specialized software carried around on portable media (diskette, cdrom, usb drives). The software is hard to update, hard to guarantee secure and sometimes not intuitive to use for testers in various countries.

Some examples of the tests we run currently that we would like to have in the new version of the tool are:

  • Information on the client the test is being run from
    • IP
    • ISP
    • OS version
  • Network routes to specific internet hosts
  • Speed tests to specific internet hosts
  • Filtering tests for specific blocked ports
  • Filtering tests to specific internet hosts

We're looking to build the next-generation of a tool that would do the same, except be web-centric.

Some of the features we are looking to include in this tool:

  • Easy for users to run in various countries
    • Possible multi-language integration
    • Autodetection of location and ability to run different test suites
  • Easy to update
    • Both in the aspect of the code itself
    • but more importantly in the tests that are run - researchers should have the ability to add and modify tests

Are there more tests you think you would like to include? Ideas?