Mindsports Jamaica

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Ascot High School, in Portmore Jamaica, has undertaken a pilot program in conjunction with the Berkman Center to promote engagement by students and supportive parents and teachers with mindsports. Our program encourages chess in schools, supported financially by community benefits at which tournaments in a variety of mindsports are played, including dominoes, draughts, backgammon and poker, with the proceeds from entry fees split fifty fifty between the tournment prize pools and support for the chess program.

Under the overall direction at Ascot of Principal Cedric Murray, rhe program is led by Kevin Wallen, Maurice Ashley and Charles Nesson, Kevin Wallen heads the Jamaica Wrestling Federation and leads the program on the ground at Ascot. Maurice Ashley is a grandmaster of chess, the very first black grandmaster. Charles Nesson is the William F. Weld Professor of Law at the Harvard Law School and Founder of the Berkman Center. . Mind sports are strategic games like dominoes, checkers, chess, and Go. Competition embraces disciplined training, cooperation, and fair play in a context that blends elements of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability, logic and reasoning. Children learn best in play. The zest to best one’s opponents elegantly reinforces numeracy in a manner that is inevitable, painless and fun.
