Laura Diaz Anadon

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Project Manager
Energy Research, Development, Demonstration & Deployment Policy, Energy Technology Innovation Policy
Telephone: (617) 384-7325
Fax: (617) 495-8963

Laura Diaz Anadon is the manager of the Energy Research, Development, Demonstration & Deployment (ERD3) Policy project. Laura's current research interests include: the intersection between science, technology and environmental policy; energy-technology evaluation and its use in the development of energy policy, particularly in the context of environmental constraints; and the role of international cooperation in addressing the world's energy problems. Before coming to the Harvard Kennedy School, Laura worked as a financial consultant for Oliver Wyman Financial Services in London, where she developed credit risk models for the banking sector. Laura has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Magnetic Resonance and Catalysis Group at the University of Cambridge (UK) and a Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Manchester (UK). She has also studied fuel cells at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and published in chemical engineering and nuclear magnetic resonance journals. Laura has carried out research projects at DuPont and Bayer Pharmaceuticals, and collaborated extensively with Johnson Matthey Catalysts on fixed-bed catalytic reactor design and operation.


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