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[h2o-discuss] Skippy

A rather tragic history of a trademark gone astray is at:
where David Segal reports for The Washington Post on
Joan Crosby Tibbetts's quixotic quest to recover the
trademark for Skippy from the peanut butter manufacturer.

There is a web angle:  a court will rule whether Tibbetts's
web site violates an unusual gag order--she says that
violates her First Amendment rights.  See www.skippy.com

In any case, it makes one a bit more sympathetic to the
advice by the Free Software people that every bit
of intellectual property needs to be "copylefted" to
keep it out of the hands of the copyrighters.  (BTW,
a caption on the Post picture states, wrongly I think,
that it is a copyright issue at stake.)

"Eric"    Eric Eldred      Eldritch Press
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