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Derek Slater

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Archived Biography: Derek Slater was a fellow at the Berkman Center while a senior at Harvard College, focusing his efforts on the Digital Media Project. After joining the Center in 2002, he contributed to the Project's study of the legal, policy, and business issues raised by the Internet's disrupting the production and consumption of copyrighted works. Derek was a lead author of Content and Control: Assessing the Impact of Policy Choices on Potential Online Business Models and contributed substantially to the case study iTunes: How Copyright, Contract, and Technology Shape the Business of Digital Media, as well as the foundational white paper Copyright and Digital Media in a Post-Napster World.

He tracks developments in digital media at his popular weblog A Copyfighter's Musings and has served as an intern for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Creative Commons, and the Samuelson Clinic for Law, Technology, and Public Policy.

Derek currently serves as Policy Analyst for Google, Inc.

Projects & Tools

Digital Media Project (DMP)

The goal of the Digital Media Project is not to advance a simple agenda but instead to help educate stakeholders – government officials, the media, artists, businesspeople, and…


Dec 13, 2005

Consumer Taste Sharing Is Driving the Online Music Business and Democratizing Culture

Drawing from an early-adopter survey conducted through Gartner, Slater and McGuire find that consumer-to-consumer recommendation tools, like playlists, enable consumers to…

Jan 7, 2005

Content and Control: Assessing the Impact of Policy Choices on Potential Online Business Models in the Music and Film Industries

The online environment and new digital technologies threaten the viability of the music and film industries' traditional business models. The industries have responded by seeking…

Jun 14, 2004

iTunes: How Copyright, Contract, and Technology Shape the Business of Digital Media - A Case Study

This paper provides an analysis of Apple’s iTunes Online Music Store. The exploratory case study presented in this document is research in progress. Comments and questions are…

Apr 9, 2004

iTunes: How Copyright, Contract, and Technology Shape the Business of Digital Media, Green Paper v 1.2

This Green Paper provides an initial analysis of Apple’s iTunes Online Music Store. The exploratory case study presented in this document is research in progress. Comments and…

Nov 1, 2003

Copyright and Digital Media in a Post-Napster World

Our objective is to provide a foundation to answer key questions facing copyright holders, technology developers and consumers. Among these: How do we balance the legitimate…


Dec 13, 2005 @ 12:30 PM

Reclaiming Sharing

Derek Slater, Berkman Alum

Derek Slater spoke about his work concerning legal, policy, and business issues raised by the internet's effect on the production and consumption of copyrighted works.

Dec 8, 2005 @ 6:00 PM

"From Mixtape to Playlist"

Derek Slater, Berkman Student Fellow

Harvard-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group: December 8, 2005. Derek Slater, Berkman Student Fellow: "From Mixtape to Playlist".

Jan 13, 2005 @ 6:00 PM

"A License to Kill Innovation" / "Policy Choices on Potential Online Business Models in the Music and Film Industries"

Yale ISP Fellow Michal Tsur and Berkman Student Fellow Derek Slater

ISP Fellow Michal Tsur on "A License to Kill Innovation.". Berkman long-term-affiliate and digital media project team member Derek Slater on "Content and Control: Assessing the…