Commons-based Cases in EM

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Commons based cases (the cases that we know will appear in the right part of the quadrants)

  • Identify cases
  • Correlate them with their main outputs (Data. Narratives. Tools)
  • How and in what extent they are “experimenting” or “adopting” commons-based approach. Are they adopting OA policies, for instance? Are they adopting Social Responsible License approaches?
  • Identify these cases and treat them as entities that will also be placed in our mapping device (the quadrants)
  • Identify what actors are participating on this and what actors are just observers (Use the questionnaire to guide your research when appropriate - Carol will select specific relevant and helpful questions)




  • History and Overview of Connexions
    • In 1994, Burrus and other founders published a low-cost book of exercises/problems in digital signal processing for Matlab. Teachers/students could select problems that were interesting or useful for specific learning needs. This was offered early evidence of the potential for a "flexible, modular" approach to EM. (Burrus 2007, 20)
    • In 1999, Richard Baraniuk approached Burrus with idea to write electrical engineering text addressing the disparate but relevant issues math, design, applications, law, and business. Burrus challenged Baraniuk to "design a completely new teaching tool using modern computer and information technology"--what would become Connexions. (Burrus 2007, 20)
    • Historical moment coincided with XML popularization and Web 2.0 technologies, as well as the "new legal vision [...] to give an educational version of Larry Lessig's Creative Commons", inspired by Richard Stallman and Eric Raymond in open-source software. (Burrus 2007, 21)
      • "This environment not only supports but encourages a deeper level of collaboration than that of the multiply authored book or curriculum."
    • Three parts to system (Burrus 2007, 21):
      1. Information organized in small, linkable, searchable modules using XML
      2. Web tools/interface to "help create, maintain, share, and use" modules
      3. Community that develops and uses tools and modules
    • "The system has been used in many traditional courses over the past several years as a primary text or supplementary document. It is now being used to supply the only text book for the introductory electrical engineering course at Rice, where a 300-page book written by Prof. Don Johnson can be purchased online through Connexions from QOOP for $20." (Burrus 2007, 22)
  • Main Outputs: narratives, tools (as modularized EM such as suggested by Benkler (2005, 7))
    • "Connexions boasts over 4000 modules, more than 220 courses or books, approximately 550,000 users (96% non Rice University), 2000 author accounts, and approximately 200,000 hits per day from 198 countries." (Burrus 2007, 21)
    • "It is now being used to supply the only text book for the introductory electrical engineering course at Rice, where a 300-page book written by Prof. Don Johnson can be purchased online through Connexions from QOOP for $20." (Burrus 2007, 22)
    • Tools: with National Instruments, "interactive applets for embedded demos and labs" (Burrus 2007, 22)
  • Extent of Commons-based Approach
  • Adoption of OA Policies
    • "The use of Connexions is free to anyone who has Internet access. The cost to develop Connexions is being paid by generous individuals, institutions, and foundations." ("FAQ" n.d.)
    • Self-identify as "OER" ("FAQ" n.d.)
  • Adoption of Socially Responsible Licenses
  • Quadrant Mapping
  • Participating Actors
  • Observing Actors

Supercool School

  • Main Outputs: narratives, tools
    • Narratives: user-contributed multimedia teaching materials for self-started classes
    • Tools: Facebook App to facilitate requests for classes and teaching platform (see Video)
  • Adoption of OA Policies (?)

World University and School

  • Main Outputs: narratives, tools
    • Narratives: Various course materials in the form of syllabi, coursework, videos
    • Tools: Virtual university (courses potentially hosted in Second Life)
  • Extent of Commons-based Approach
  • Adoption of OA Policies
    • Completely open and free access to "courses"
    • Aspires to be degree granting
  • Adoption of Socially Responsible Licenses
    • Wikia uses GFDL
  • Quadrant Mapping
  • Participating Actors
  • Observing Actors

Possible Cases

  • H20 Playlists
    • 'H2O playlists are more than just a cool, sleek technology -- they represent a new way of thinking about education online. An H2O Playlist is a series of links to books, articles, and other materials that collectively explore an idea or set the stage for a course, discussion, or current event.'


Bibliography for Item 10 in EM
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