MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF). Population Policy of 1988. (Text provided by the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia.)


To proclaim the Population Policy of the Federated States of Micronesia as a priority endeavor in the development of this Nation, and to ensure that all citizens are aware and exercise the recommended strategies to reduce our current and extremely high population growth rate.

1. WHEREAS, as the rate of unemployed persons is increasing, the rate of crimes also is increasing. There is rising malnutrition particularly among infants, children, and their mothers. The search for more job opportunities is promoting the migration of family heads and members leading to the breakdown of the extended family system and cultural values.

2. WHEREAS, our crowded living conditions are causing a rise in the spread of infectious diseases and the occurrence of greater stress and psychological problems within families. The demand for additional housing units is competing with food production for the little land available and has negative impacts upon the environment.

3. WHEREAS, there is need for money, food, water, sanitation, and other social services. Due to lower food production, local food prices will rise and more food will have to be imported. The incidence of food-related diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, is also rising. More food production will require increased use of fertilizers and pesticides which may additionally contribute to environmental pollution.

4. WHEREAS, there is a need for more schools, more classrooms, and more qualified teachers and staff. The majority of our students are not going to school. The preparation of professional and technical human resources is not keeping pace with our manpower development needs. The present and future generations are being denied the attainment of their fullest potential.

5. WHEREAS, there is a need for more medicines and medical equipment. More and more people are requiring better health care. Referrals to external tertiary health facilities are increasing and are too costly.

6. WHEREAS, there is need for a clearly-defined youth development program and supporting recreational facilities. The expectations of our youth are not being met. They want and need a good quality of life. There is growing dissatisfaction with our youth resulting in their increasing involvement with alcohol and other harmful substances and violence -- including an alarming rate of suicide. They are reaching out to us; we must respond and meet their needs.


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following be the implemented Population Policy of the Federated States of Micronesia.

A. Goal:

To reduce the present population growth rate in the Federated States of Micronesia.

B. Objectives:

1. To reduce the present birth rate from 30 to at least 20 per thousand by the year 2000.

2. To reduce the present infant mortality rate from 45 to at least 35 per thousand by the year 2000.

3. To include with the present immigration regulations additional controls and monitoring of migrants by the year 1990.

Objective 1: To reduce the present birth rate from 30 to at least 20 per thousand by the year 2000.


1.1 Ensure that comprehensive family planning services are available in all villages, communities and outer islands through the nation through adequate provision of facilities, staffing and training.

1.2 Increase the number of family planning acceptors at least 50% by encouraging males and females in child- bearing ages (15-44 years) to become program acceptors.

1.3 Expand and improve in a culturally acceptable manner the implementation of family planning and population education programs in schools and throughout the nation.

1.4 Expand programs for youth to increase participation in community activities and to help avoid pregnancy before marriage and delay the birth of their first child.

1.5 Provide incentives to women who delay their first pregnancy until 24 years of age or who space their children at least every three years.

1.6 Provide incentives to all states which reduce their birth rates consecutively for three years; provide special incentives to the state which reduces its birth rate the most during three consecutive years as determined by valid data collection.

1.7 Promote legislation to require nursing bottles, teats and milk substitutes to become prescription items in order to promote breast feeding.

1.8 Promote laws to protect against pregnancies outside of marriage.

1.9 Assist with self-productivity projects and encourage women participation in the labor force.

1.10 Encourage and prolong higher levels of education so that males and females may better understand the difference and consequences of 'quality' children versus 'quantity' children.

Objective 2: To reduce the present infant mortality rate from 45 to at least 35 per thousand by the year 2000.


2.1 Improve pregnancy outcomes by encouraging expectant mothers to attend pre-natal clinic sessions early in their first trimester of pregnancy.

2.2 Expand population education and family planning counseling efforts to reduce the numbers of high-risk pregnancies; 75% of these identified high-risk women will become family planning acceptors.

2.3 Effect attitutudinal changes among couples through awareness programs to decrease unnecessary fear concerning the potential losses of their infants.

2.4 Expand training efforts in all areas of maternal and child health care.

2.5 Encourage breast feeding which provides nutrients, immunological protection and psychological well-being for the infants.

2.6 Discourage the consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, non-nutritious foods and other harmful substances during pregnancy.

2.7 Recommend ways to improve local food production, utilization and consumption; encourage the availability of nutritious foods during and after pregnancy.

Objective 3: To include with the present immigration regulations additional controls and monitoring of migrants by the year 1990.


3.1 Decrease the number of aliens hired for jobs in both public and private sectors when there are available qualified citizens or when training opportunities exist for local skills upgrading.

3.2 Enforce existing hiring policies and ensure first priority for selection of qualified citizens by implementing strong efforts against the unnecessary hiring of aliens; implement a testing program for aliens applying for jobs to adequately determine their level of skills.

3.3 Create positive efforts and means of retaining skilled and knowledgeable citizens from out-migrating to seek employment outside the FSM.

3.4 Create positive efforts and means of motivating students who receive scholarships for post-secondary education to return to the FSM and contribute to the development of the community, state and the nation.

3.5 Establish mandatory procedures to collect data on the number of citizens who out-migrate and return annually and on the number of inter-and intra-state travels.