Open Source(s) by Ziv Navoth

Old School Code

Traditionally, industrial-strength software products are developed by established corporations driven by highly-strategic business plans and market projections. A company such as Microsoft or SAP typically has an entire development division that it staffs with multiple teams of programmers dedicated to building applications according to well-defined, systematic project plans: programming procedures, approval processes, development milestones and delivery deadlines. Often, the plans even include pre-determined schedules for future updates perpetuating the development life cycle.

Furthermore, customers of traditionally developed software do not have access to a product's "source code", that is, basic programming commands written by the original developers. Therefore, the only changes or adjustments that customers can make to the software are those that the programmers intended them to make; thus, intentionally minimizing customer control within a given application.

Open Source Software poses "a direct, short-term revenue and platform threat"

- Microsoft internal memo

A "New School" of Software Development

But now, Open Source is in the picture--a movement dedicated to the development of software by non-coordinated groups collaborating on the creation of applications which are ultimately released to the public in an "open" fashion. Essentially, this new concept whereby developers openly publish source code is akin to a renowned chef suddenly releasing his or her secret recipe--a seemingly absurd and impractical idea.

With "software recipes" in hand, any and all programmers in the public domain can now take advantage of examining specific source code to adapt applications for their own individual or company needs. In return, these programmers contribute code improvements back into the "community" for everyone else to see and use. This cycle of give and take, based on open and continuous improvements, could potentially continue with no visible end.

The overwhelming benefit of the resulting incremental process is consistent development of increasingly better versions of software applications. In fact, Open Source programs like the Linux Operating System and the Apache Web Server are quickly gaining popularity because their functionality is, in some cases, superior to applications traditionally developed by scores of engineers housed under the roof of one corporation.

Can "free" = "better"?

The rising success of Open Source seems to contradict the common notion that it takes a high-priced development operation to create great software. But, as Linux creator Linus Torvalds argues, "free software is nearly always better... it's very simple," said Torvalds in a recent interview with Bob Cringely. "Because the software is free, there is no pressure to release it before it is really ready just to achieve some sales target. Every version of Linus is declared to be finished only when it is actually finished, which explains why it is so solid. The other reason why free software is better is because the personal reputation of the developer is attached to every release. If you are making something to give away to the world, something that represents to millions of users your philosophy of computing, you will always make it the very best product you can make. That's the reason why Linux is a success."

More than a "geek" phenomenon

But is that all there is to Open Source - a "cool" new software development? Or, is there something more buried between the lines of free source code and uncoordinated, but collaborative, software developers? Does Open Source--the software-- merely scratch the surface of what may potentially be a profoundly larger and more compelling business phenomenon bleeping on the radar of all forward-thinking managers?

Possible evidence of a bigger picture of Open Source seems apparent when you consider some of the recent activities within the marketplace:

*New companies, such as Red Hat have formed and received major investments from the likes of Intel and Netscape to cater to this new Open Source market.

*Corel, maker of WordPerfect, is porting its complete office suite of applications to Linux, an open-source-developed operating system.

*Oracle and Informix have announced plans to support Linux, and IBM will ship the most widely-used Web server, Apache-another open-source-developed software--for which it will also provide commercial, enterprise-level support.

*Microsoft, the world's largest software company, has acknowledged Open Source software as "a direct, short-term revenue and platform threat."

There clearly is a critical need to consider Open Source from new perspectives, and that it is imperative for several key questions to be asked and answered:

*What are Open Source's key implications for business managers?

*Is an entire "Open Source" industry forming with a plethora of real business opportunities?

*Or is Open Source a fad, soon to disappear?

*Will Open Source affect the organizational structure and information management of the modern enterprise?

*And, even more broadly, does Open Source signal fundamental changes for all firms, and the nature of work?