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Berkman Buzz: December 20, 2012

The Berkman Buzz is selected weekly from the posts of Berkman Center people and projects.
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The Berkman Center is now accepting applications for fellowships in the 2013-2014 academic year! More information is available online.

DPLA and Europeana launch joint digital exhibition

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To mark the beginning of a unique digital collaboration the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and Europeana are pleased to announce the launch of Leaving Europe: A new life in America. The all-new virtual exhibition tells the story of European emigration to the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries. Jointly curated by the two digital libraries, the exhibition uses photographs, manuscripts, broadsheets, paintings, letters, audio, government documents and other unique materials to chart people’s journeys across the European continent and their settlement in the United States. The digital items displayed are from U.S. and European libraries, museums and archives and the accompanying narrative has been commissioned specially for the exhibition from U.S. and European experts.


From the Digital Public Library of America, "Digital Public Library of America and Europeana Launch Joint Migration Exhibition
About the DPLA | @digpublib

Kinder & Braver World project releases eight new papers on the role of youth in social change

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As a part of its collaboration with the Born This Way Foundation, the Berkman Center is publishing on this website a series of papers that synthesize existing peer-reviewed research or equivalent scholarship and provide research-grounded insight to the variety of stakeholders working on issues related to youth empowerment and action towards creating a kinder, braver world. This series, called the The Kinder & Braver World Project: Research Series (danah boyd, John Palfrey, and Dena Sacco, editors), is presented by the Born This Way Foundation & the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and supported by the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. This set of papers involves topics related to the Role of Youth Organizations and Youth Movements for Social Change.


From the Berkman Center, Publications: The Role of Youth Organizations and Youth Movements for Social Change
About the Kinder & Braver World Project

David Weinberger explores ontology through library metadata

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Paul Deschner and I had a fascinating conversation yesterday with Jeffrey Wallman, head of the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center about perhaps getting his group’s metadata to interoperate with the library metadata we’ve been gathering. The TBRC has a fantastic collection of Tibetan books. So we were talking about the schemas we use — a schema being the set of slots you create for the data you capture. For example, if you’re gathering information about books, you’d have a schema that has slots for title, author, date, publisher, etc. Depending on your needs, you might also include slots for whether there are color illustrations, is the original cover still on it, and has anyone underlined any passages. It turns out that the Tibetan concept of a book is quite a bit different than the West’s, which raises interesting questions about how to capture and express that data in ways that can be useful mashed up.


From David Weinberger's blog post, I bet your ontology never thought of this one!
About David Weinberger | @dweinberger

danah boyd issues a plea to the media: leave the people of Newtown alone

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verything about what happened in Newtown is horrible. And as the public processes it, I understand the need to talk about the issues. Mental health. Gun control. Violence in society. Turning killers into celebrities. Disenfranchisement of youth. There are a lot of topics that need to be seriously discussed and, for better or worse, there’s nothing like a crisis to propel those issues into the public consciousness.

But please, please, please… can we leave the poor people of Newtown alone? Can we not shove microphones into the faces of distraught children? Can we stop hovering like buzzards waiting for the fresh meat of gossipy details? Can we let the parents of the deceased choose when and where they want to engage with the public to tell their story? Can we let the community have some dignity in their grief rather than turning them and their lives into a spectacle of mourning?


From danah boyd's blog post, "Dear Media, Back The F*** Off Newtown"
About danah boyd | @zephoria

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Another Terms of Service overreach: "Instagram changes terms of service, but will pro photographers flee anyway?"
David Ardia (@dsardia)


New edX course: Copyright

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HLS1x Copyright will explore in depth the law, theory, and practice of copyright. Approximately two thirds of the course will focus on the copyright system of the United States; the remainder will be devoted to the laws pertaining to copyright and "neighboring rights" in other countries. Considerable attention will be devoted to the relationship between copyright law and creative expression in a variety of fields: literature; music; film; photography; graphic art; software; comedy; fashion; and architecture. The course will commence on January 28, 2013, and last for 12 weeks.


From edX, "HLS1x: Copyright"
HLS1x: Copyright is taught by Berkman Center co-director Terry Fisher

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Frenzied media coverage of mass killings turns them into a spectacle & inspires copycats. This needs to change:
Zeynep Tufekci (@techsoc)


Cambodia Bans Internet Cafes Near Schools

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Cambodia's Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has issued a circular banning internet cafes within 500 meters of schools or educational buildings. The circular also prohibits internet cafes from welcoming young people under the age of 18, pointing that internet poses numerous dangers such as terrorism, economic crimes and the distribution of pornography, as the Cambodia Daily newspaper reported.

This circular came a few months after the government enforced a previous circular that required internet cafes to set up surveillance cameras and register callers.


From Kounila Keo's blog post for Global Voices, "Cambodia Bans Internet Cafes Near Schools"
About Global Voices Online | @globalvoices

This Buzz was compiled by Rebekah Heacock.

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