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Although there are a number of arguments that the internet enhances democracy in a more general sense, our focus here is on the effect the internet has on the power of ''individual citizens'' to influence the democratic political process.   
Although there are a number of arguments that the internet enhances democracy in a more general sense, our focus here is on the effect the internet has on the power of ''individual citizens'' to influence the democratic political process.   

===A Strong, Unbiased, Informed Media===
===A Strong, Unbiased, Informed Media===

Revision as of 14:38, 18 February 2007

The Question

"Resolved: The Internet enables citizens to have a greater voice in politics and is, on balance, already a tremendous force for strengthening participatory democracies around the world."

Quick Link to The Negative Argument

The Argument in Favor of the Resolution:


Experience has shown that in order for participatory democracy to thrive, there are a number of necessary ingredients that a society must exhibit. Among these are a strong, unbiased, truthful media, fair and balanced elections, a politically engaged citizenry, a citizenry educated on political matters, transparency and accountability, and economic democracy.

It is our contention here that the internet has the capacity to, and in certain circumstances already has, improved the health of participatory democracies along each of these metrics. In other words, as compared to a world without the internet, the world with an internet is more conducive to participatory democracy.

Although there are a number of arguments that the internet enhances democracy in a more general sense, our focus here is on the effect the internet has on the power of individual citizens to influence the democratic political process.

A Strong, Unbiased, Informed Media

    • By aggregating potentially inflammatory/interesting stories, Global Voices raises the likelihood that one of those stories will become viral on the internet, or make the mainstream media. Therefore, GV gives a lone blogger/activist the power to start the momentum that could solve the problem she writes about.
      • The faster a story becomes salient, the sooner those who might be interested in stopping it can act. It's easier to stop human rights abuses when they're still small.
    • In countries without a fair media, bloggers can fill the gap.
      • In such countries governments often limit freedom of media. People will receive only information that a government wants them to know. Government will decide which information people can know which cannot. In such case, internet plays an important role to enable people to gain more precise information.
    • While Shirkey's curve does point out that there are still a few dominant players in the information market, many of these players are individuals. One popular blogger can reach more people than a billion dollar newspaper empire. That's a lot of individual power.
    • And while it's hard to break into that club, people do. So there's the incentive for individuals to get involved, in hopes that they'll have that big voice. On balance, it's better to have more people paying attention to politics and honing their argumentation skills (in hopes of becoming a big blogger).
    • And even the small ones have important education powers (see below).

Fair and Balanced Elections

    • It becomes possible for an outsider/fringe candidate without an established political machine to spread his message. (e.g. Yunus)
    • Internet is a low-cost media which can be used in promoting political campaign. This, thus, assists candidates that do not have much fund to be able to promote their campaign and other activities to the vast majority of people in just a click.

Engaged Citizenry

    • Democracy needs an engaged citizenry. Citizens become engaged when they come to believe there is a serious problem that needs addressing. Seeing is believing. The internet enables single witnesses to 'show' everybody else the truth using firsthand accounts, YouTube videos etc. Liars/bullies/tyrants lose plausible deniability. The citizenry mobilizes against what they now believe is a violation of rights.
    • Activists can become super-activists. Those who were already engaged are able to reach more people and spread their message more effectively.
    • In general, the internet enables far-flung individuals to combine on big projects (Wikipedia). Could happen in the political sphere too.
      • One of the most important of the Wiki-liked features that can foster the participation of individual is that it can be easily updated by anyone from anywhere with access to the Internet, it is based on group collective knowledge. Even non-elite citizen can participate in this kind of forum.
    • The internet greases the wheels of political activity by otherwise un-engaged citizens. There might be voters who are unwilling to walk door to door to campaign, but are happy to send emails to their friends. Or they might be unwilling to go to the effort to stamp an envelope to send a donation, but will click on paypal. Once they're involved, they'll be on email lists, and Sunstein's idea of accidental exposure to other issues might motivate them to get further involved.
    • Internet can give some incentive to citizen to engage more in political activities since it is easy to access and convenient for people to find information online - tremendous information can be obtained in just one second. Moreover, if voting can be done through internet, the number of voting people will increase greatly since people tend not to go to cast their vote at the designated poll if it costs inconveniences for them to travel there. (See e.g. Geneva eVoting Project). From the Pew survey, it seems that people is relying more on the internet for being their sources of political information [1]
    • Internet is not lending itself to have a sort of centralized control but instead it empowers members of the community to generate input both freely and openly. Since there is no central control from any particular government or international organization over the internet, people may feel more comfortable to participate more in politics, for example, by exposing their political ideas on the internet – this is especially the case where such idea is in contrary with policies/rules of their current administrator/government.
    • It is the tech firms (usually American) that enable government censorship and surveillance online. Individuals like MIT's Richard Stallman have the power to develop and disseminate software that prevents/thwarts government attempts to control political thought online. Without the internet, anti-establishment individuals would not have as much power to unclog the channels of political discussion. Interestingly, China has adopted the GNU Linux operating system, leaving their filtering and surveillance vulnerable to individual subversive action.
    • The internet also gives individuals the power to cause harm. They have a greater voice to do evil, such as spread information which can't easily be retracted.

Educated Citizenry

    • Citizens have to know what they're missing and what they want in order to demand it of their governments. Individuals can educate each other faster and more thoroughly using the internet than they could without it. Though the structure of the internet enables government censorship, individuals can circumvent those controls, enabling other citizens to be educated about things the incumbent government doesn't want them to know. It's a tit-for-tat that would have never been possible before the internet. The secret police had only to destroy the printing press, and that was the end of it. This gives new power to individuals.
    • Even as China and others try to "let in the light while keeping out the flies", a few flies are getting in. It only takes a few 18th century pamphlets in the hands of the right people to get people talking, and breed discontent. A little education goes a long way.
    • As we talked about on 2.13.07, perhaps the most effective way to campaign is by word of mouth. Individuals with Live Journals are able to "speak to" and perhaps convince grandma all the way across the country. That kind of discourse is important for a democracy. We may never know whether or how it changes votes, but it's good that people are discussing political issues.
      • Even if votes aren't changed right away, developing this way of discussing politics helps lay a foundation for a time when it will matter more. For example, if a big event happens, there will be a network of inter-connected bloggers and their readers to get the "real" story out, mouth to mouth, in a way that people trust. And it will be a tool for mobilizing people who already care.
    • The country/world gets smaller. Before you might have cared that control of the government came down to one close senate race in Virginia, but you might not have KNOWN about it, and even if you did there was nothing you could do about it. Now, people can educate others about things that matter to them that they otherwise wouldn't have been exposed to. And in return, those people can become involved by sending money, VOIPing people in that area etc.


    • Any individual who happens to know can break a story. The major networks can no longer act as bottlenecks to stop important stories from getting out there (if they're in bed with the interested parties)
    • The internet enables extensive and fast fact checking. A person at a town hall with a candidate could have her laptop open and check voting records as the candidate answered a question, and expose the lie right away. Even if this doesn't happen often, candidates will know it can, and will be scared into more honesty, transparency.
    • Flip-flopping will be exposed. Romney and McCain can't get away with their recent pandering to the right because we have
    • Politicians respond to polls. The internet enables much faster and more widespread polling. Individuals can (when aggregated in a poll) have a more efficient way to respond to the decisions of leaders and direct policy.

Economic Democracy

    • The internet provides jobs (e.g. tech-service in India), access to markets, and an ability to acquire and use capital that leads to the emergence of a stronger middle class. People who are not living hand-to-mouth have more leisure to educate themselves, engage in politics, and pressure governments to act in their interests.

Class Discussion Questions

  • In what new ways could individuals harness the internet to increase their power in participatory democracy?
  • Is the effect of the internet on participatory democracy going to increase in the future, or have we reached its zenith?
  • Will the internet have more of an effect on improving democracy in countries that currently don't have democracies or that have new democracies, than it will in countries with established democracies?

Examples to Discuss

  • Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus is running for office, and trying to use the internet to harness the grass roots. Click here for more. See his open letter here.
  • E-Petitions: In England, British citizens can petition the Prime Minister directly online. This system allows millions of British people to say what they want directly to the government. Today, there are more than 1.5 million signatures only for the "Scrap the planned vehicle tracking and road pricing policy" petition.
  • eRulemaking Initiative: This is an attempt to increase the citizen participation and understanding in rulemaking process by making the process to be easily accessible via internet. This, as a result, gives an opportunity for the citizen to be educated of the current rules and policies and has a potential to encourage citizen to participate more in the rulemaking process by allowing them to provide a comment which in turn will improve the quality of the rulemaking decision.
    • In the US, there is a eRulemaking Initiative launched in January 2003 by Bush Administration establishing the eRulemaking website - – which allows anyone to read and comment on proposed federal. In fall 2005, the newer version of this site was released by incorporating the ongoing development of the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) which provides the public and agencies access to the entire regulatory docket, including rules, supporting documents, and public comments. (see and
  • Online Dialogues: Internet makes it possible to have online interactive regulatory dialogues among large number of people allowing them to discuss any social or political issues with each other as well as with government officials. For example, in 2001, the EPA established an online dialogue project (which won an E-Gov 2002 Explorer Award) on its new draft Public Involvement Policy so that the public can participate and help the officers to determine what kind of revisions to make to such policy. (For more example of public online dialogues can be found at
  • Internet is an alternative source of information when the government control and restrict the media freedom over the mainstream media (TV, newspaper, radio etc.) to shut the eyes and ears of the people. For example, it is fair to say that strong criticism on the policies and actions of the former Thai government through various mechanism online (blog, email, IM, video/audio sharing website etc.) was one of the main factors that led to the significant political movements and changes in Thailand last year. Various fact and criticism that could not be found anywhere through mainstream medias are often available online (see for an example).
  • Perhaps the reason that the campaign websites of Romney, Obama, Clinton, Edwards are so tame and fail to really make use of the interactive power of the internet is that they fear the power it gives to individuals. They realize that the internet has the power to take politics off the pedestal and make it rough, dirty, personal and democratic, like Truman's Whistlestop Campaign of 1948. They don't actually want to interact with the people. They want scripted sound-bites and tame debates.
    • Senator Dodd has invited individuals to submit questions via YouTube, which he will respond to via YouTube. If he were to respond to every question, this might make his use of the internet different from that of the other candidates, and perhaps more personal and democratic. But since his answer will be no less scripted than Hillary Clinton's were for her online chat, it's nothing special. Though Dodd does criticize the other candidates for 'taking at the people' on the Internet, his sight is no different.

Other Thoughts

  • It's so new that we can't really know much. The best we can do is ask what a democracy needs to thrive, and ask whether that thing is being enhanced compared to a world without the internet.
  • Many of these claims are subject to the retort "yeah, in theory that's good, but it doesn't happen." Well, only time will tell. There seem to be plenty of stories from GV about these things happening abroad. Perhaps the internet is a more important tool for developing (or future) democracies, rather than the already-settled democracies of the west.
  • It's not like we're going to shut down the internet. It's only going to get more pervasive. So rather than ask whether the internet is a force for democracy, the more fruitful question would be how we can make the internet a force for democracy. We know individuals are empowered in a lot of ways by the internet, especially Web 2.0. Now we need to find a way to use that to empower them in the political sphere.
  • Though we haven't focused much on political candidates (since the question focuses on individuals' use of the net to have political power), there are ways in which the internet is changing politics on the other side of the equation.
    • Political candidates seem to think it's a good tool for them, since they have been trying to use it. Edwards, Dodd, Obama, Clinton. It's possible they're just trying to be cool. But maybe they're actually on to something.