ICANN Extended Public Forum Real-Time Comments
June 4, 2001 - Stockholm, Sweden

Messages marked with have been read to the assembled group.

Joop Teernstra (IDNO)
DNSO constituencies (At Large Membership, 6/4/01 8:23:53 AM, #1313)

Joop Teernstra (IDNO)
DNSO constituencies

In Berlin , the ICANN Board refused to consider the petition that was presented for the creation of an Individual Domain Name Holders' constituency.
In Santiago and Yokohama, again, it chose to defer the question.
As a result, this constituency in-spe never got to hear what requirements would need to be fulfilled for the Board to approve it.

Further self-organizing needs to take place.
Much has taken place already.
Now at this point, to progress any further, prospective organizers and members want to know if they are not wasting their time.

Can the Board recognize an Individuals Constituency IN PRINCIPLE this time around?


UDRP Review ( Open Microphone, 6/4/01 8:39:21 AM, #1314)


First of all, congratulations for the facilities provided to track ICANN meetings from a remote site.

We are very concerned on the effects of the UDRP Policy and Rules. We believe that an urgent review is needed and the Names Council should speed up its planned work on this matter to avoid the use of the UDRP Policy and Rules in an abusive manner as well as stopping the increasing number of disputes being presented under matters more related to "better rights" legitimate disputes rather than abusive registration of domain names.
You may wish to access to our full report on this matter, produced after a serious analysis of the Policy and Rules and our won experience at the WIPO case D2000-1748. Report available in english at http://www.rose.es/udrpenglish.htm, or in Spanish at http://www.rose.es/udrpespanol.htm.
Kind regards, from Toledo (Spain)

Len Lindon (.humanrights [Dot Humanrights Interim Trust])
Recognition of non-ICANN root and tld ( Open Microphone, 6/4/01 8:44:10 AM, #1315)

Will ICANN today undertake to recognise the Human Rights Root
Service and to resolve .humanrights on the ICANN root.

See full text of letter requiring recognition at

Also mirrored at http://www.humanrights.com.au/dhr/letter.html

Note this question submitted to each public comment section at these Meetings in the last 3 days-- including the opening session

Joop Teernstra (IDNO)
At large membership and an Individuals Constituenc (At Large Membership, 6/4/01 8:46:24 AM, #1316)

Question for Carl Bildt

If the Board decides today to recognize in principle that Individual Domain Name Holders should have their own constituency in the DNSO and representation on the Names council, will the ALScommittee feel that this has any bearing on the need for an @Large User membership of ICANN?

Roberto Gaetano (GA member)
Alt-roots (and additional TLDs) ( Open Microphone, 6/4/01 8:57:28 AM, #1317)

Good morning.
IMHO, alt-roots is a system that started as alternative to the then IANA root system, and still is.
The two systems are natural competitors, and the consumers will choose which approach they like better.
Incidentally, to be best suited to compete, ICANN has to be open to include new TLDs in its root as market requires.
I would ask ICANN to give a clear indication to business, other market forces and all stakeholders on these two points:
- ICANN will not merge its root with any other system;
- ICANN will allow new TLDs if market requires.
Thanks for your attention.

(5 messages total)

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