DISCLAIMER: Several members of the Registrar Constituency are participating in the TLD bidding process in both an individual and collective capacity.


The Registrar Constituency favors competition and commends ICANN for working to repeat their success in introducing competition at the registrar level with this new TLD process. The Registrar Constituency, more so than other constituencies, recognize that the stability and reliability of the Internet are principles that cannot be compromised during this proof of concept period.


The Registrar Constituency adopted the following principles in connection with the proof of concept TLD process:


·         The ICANN Board should adopt multiple top-level domains during this proof of concept stage;

·         The ICANN Board should adopt at least one (1) generic top-level domain during this proof of concept stage;

·         The ICANN Board should adopt multiple chartered top-level domains during this proof of concept stage;

·         The ICANN Board should ensure that all ICANN accredited registrars are able to provide registration services to their existing customers in these new top-level domains;

·         The Registrars favor use of a Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)that will ensure fair and equal access for all Registrars, and encourage that a protocol be submitted to the IETF such that an open source solution will be available to all registries. The Registrars are concerned about a proliferation of competing protocols in new top-level domains.

·         The ICANN Board should develop criteria for evaluating registries during the proof of concept period, with significant input from the Registrar Constituency.