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We have set up a discussion site for Woburn-related issues.

If you have already used the discussion forum you can procede to the forum. If you have not yet used the site, please take a few minutes to read the instructions below:

For HyperNews you need a username and a password. For all of you who attended the conference, you should automatically have a username and a password. Your user name is the first letter of your first name combined with your last name. Your password is your last name. Your username should be in lowercase letters, and your password should begin with an upper case letter. For example, I am Conley Rollins and my username is "crollins" and my password is "Rollins". Once you are in the system you can change your password.

If you have any difficulties reaching the discussion site please make sure that your password begins with an uppercase letter. If you still have a problem, or if you need a username and password e-mail Pranav Anand.

Also, when you go to the forum you will be prompted for your username and password. When you enter the forum for the first time you will need to click on the "subscribe" button in order to subscribe to the forum. You only have to do this the first time that you use the discussion group.

This site is maintained by The Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School.

Direct comments and inquiries to Conley Rollins.
Last updated February 16, 1999.