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RE: [h2o-discuss] concerning the h2o list

 [From:  John Wilbanks <wilbanks@cyber.law.harvard.edu>:]

>So, what say you?  In lieu of our faculty jumping in and talking, would some
>regular open content be acceptable?  I will certainly make a personal effort
>to post more often now that I've made clear my nonlawyerly status...and I
>would to thank each and every one of you who participates on the list.  It's
>an honor to watch the fur fly around here.

        Well, I've gathered so far that the idea is that:  as intellectual
property law collides with the internet, there are profound implications for
society.  To me, that means the average citizen has a right to throw in
her/his two cents.  I'm not a lawyer, either ... nor a nuclear physicist,
but I still feel I have a right to voice my opinion on the use of nuclear power.

        And I like your idea of having students post their work.  If nothing
else, it might make them more excited about writing papers ... when they
provoke a lively online discussion.

                                       John Kwasnik