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[h2o-discuss] fair huckleberries

"What sort of country is that where the huckleberry 
fields are private property?  When I pass such fields 
on the highway, my heart sinks within me.  I see a 
blight on the land.  Nature is under a veil there. 
I make haste away from the accursed spot.  Nothing 
could deform her fair face more.  I cannot think of 
it ever after but as the place where fair and 
palatable berries are converted into money, where the 
huckleberry is desecrated." 

--From "Wild Fruits," by Henry David Thoreau, 1850
posthumous ms. edited by Bradley Dean, to be published 
this fall, for the first time, by W. W. Norton.
(with a new copyright that will be converted into money
for many years to come, courtesy of Dean, the New York
Public Library and the Thoreau Institute, www.walden.org)


"Eric"    Eric Eldred      Eldritch Press
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