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Past Project


In 2009, the Berkman Center conducted an independent expert review of existing literature and studies about broadband deployment and usage throughout the world, in order to help inform the FCC’s efforts in developing the National Broadband Plan.

Since submitting its Next Generation Connectivity report to the FCC's National Broadband Plan committee, the Berkman Center has continued its research on broadband policy. The team has focused its efforts on competition in the residential broadband market, including looks into the roles municipalities have played; analysis of the NTIA's National Broadband Map data on provider availability, price and speed availability; and exploration of the value broadband brings.


Our Work 10

Nov 6, 2012

Open Wireless vs. Licensed Spectrum: Evidence from Market Adoption

The paper reviews evidence from eight wireless markets: mobile broadband; wireless healthcare; smart grid communications; inventory management; access control; mobile payments;…

May 12, 2010

Radio Berkman 152: A "Third Way" for the FCC and Broadband

This week on Radio Berkman: Susan Crawford speaks with David Weinberger about what the FCC's proposed “third way” is...

Mar 18, 2010

Radio Berkman Minis: Kalamazoogle?

This week on Radio Berkman: the IT Manager of Kalamazoo, Michigan talks about what he sees in the opportunity of ultra high speed connectivity...

Feb 16, 2010

Next Generation Connectivity

Berkman Center releases final broadband study for the FCC

The Berkman Center is pleased to announce that its independent review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the world has been finalized. The Final Report was…

Feb 15, 2010

Next Generation Connectivity

A review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the world

The FCC announced that the Berkman Center would conduct an independent expert review of existing literature and studies about broadband deployment and usage throughout the world…

Dec 21, 2009

Updating the Berkman Center's broadband study for the FCC

In October the FCC posted for public comment the Berkman Center's draft study "Next Generation Connectivity: A review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the…

Nov 17, 2009

Reviewing comments on the Berkman Center's broadband study for the FCC

Last night the period for commenting on the Berkman Center’s broadband study for the FCC came to a close. We would like to thank those who took the time to provide substantive…

Nov 4, 2009

Commenting on the Berkman Center's broadband study for the FCC

It has been three weeks since the FCC posted for public comment the Berkman Center’s study of international experience with broadband transitions and policy. The FCC recently…

Oct 15, 2009

Berkman Center broadband study for FCC available for public comment

The Berkman Center is pleased to announce that the draft of its independent review for the FCC -- "Next Generation Connectivity: A review of broadband Internet transitions and…

Jul 14, 2009

Harvard’s Berkman Center to Conduct Independent Review of Broadband Studies to Assist FCC

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University will conduct an independent expert review of existing literature and studies about broadband deployment and usage…

People 02
