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From JD to Data Science: A Case Study in AI and Law
Luncheon Series

From JD to Data Science: A Case Study in AI and Law

Co-Hosted with the Harvard Data Science Initiative

Thomson Reuters Westlaw has long integrated machine learning and AI into its product offerings. In the last few years, deep neural networks have been responsible for a sea change in Natural Language Processing capabilities, making possible what, until recently, would have been considered science fiction. 

Zac Kriegman will describe his path from a Harvard JD to a data science career focused on deep learning, and demonstrate a case study illustrating how some of these new techniques were applied to a legal annotation task to produce legal summaries on par with human annotators, allowing Thomson Reuters to “improve quality, expand coverage and reduce costs.”

This event is co-hosted with the Harvard Data Science Initiative. It is part of the HDSI Industry Seminar Series. It will not be webcast or recorded.

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Past Event
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM ET
Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall
Milstein West B (Room 2019, Second Floor)
Cambridge, MA 02138 US

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