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The Commons: Celebrating accomplishments, discerning futures

The Commons: Celebrating accomplishments, discerning futures

Jamie Boyle, Lawrence Lessig, Joi Ito, Molly S. Van Houweling, and Jonathan Zittrain

Friday, December 12, 6:30 pm
Ropes Gray Room, Pound Hall, Second Floor (Map)
RSVP required ( Facebook event page.
This event will be webcast live at 6:30 PM ET on 12/12.

Creative Commons and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society are pleased to invite you to a special event in Cambridge, MA on the evening of Friday, December 12, 2008, that will bring together some of the top thinkers on copyright in a digital age.

Panelists include:

A reception will follow at 7:30 pm. Space is limited. Please RSVP by December 1st to Melissa Reeder, Development Manager, at

If you’re interested in the technical aspect of Creative Commons, we invite you to attend CC’s second Technology Summit, taking place at MIT’s Stata Center on Friday, December 12, from 9am-4:30pm. Program and registration information.


Download media from this event here.

Past Event
Friday, December 12, 2008 - Saturday, December 13, 2008
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

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Creative Commons

Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world.